Aminet 25
Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
000089_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Mon Mar 9 09:55:51 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Mon Mar 9 09:55:51 1998
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From: Alex Borodin <alex.borodin@qrail.com.au> (Andrew "Mushroom" Kellett)
To: amos-list@access.digex.net
Subject: [AMOSList] Re: AMOS Now being updated! What should be added?
Status: O
Andy Kellett wrote:
> The source for AMOS + AMOSPro (including the compiler) have now been released to
> a small team of developers, who wish to put this once ever-popular language back
> on top of them all, by giving it a major overhaul.
> The major changes which will be added, will be AGA and graphics card support for
> all AMOS modes, including its editor, yet still be able to provide the
> programmer with complete control over its graphics system.
TCPI/IP network support! So that it can be used to write network
games. An implementation of sockets communication would be
File sharing and locking! So that the TCP/IP thingo can also
transmit and update config files on the fly without crashing the
AMOS app.
A better debugger which supports multiple breakpoints, multiple
variable watchpoints, etc.
A date/time set and read functions would be great too.. it's such a
pain to have to use the Operating system with its bizarre BCPL
calling conventions to get and set the real time clock.
What else? Dunno.. that should be heaps for a start!
o Alex Borodin B.Eng(Hons) o Queensland Rail
o Software and Systems Engineer o Ph: +61-7-3235-2482
o Signal and Operational Systems o Fax:+61-7-3235-2747
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St Mark the Ascetic - 5th or 6th Century
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